Relocation Management
Make Your Relocation Management Seamless to Customers and Staff.
Successful relocation management takes months of detailed planning and is a project unto itself. The relocation must anticipate construction, utility, customer and vendor issues and manage to a seamless move that is transparent to your customers.
P2M’s relocation management process includes several phases:
- Needs Assessment
- Team Development
- Technology Coordination
- Scheduling
- Employee & External Communications
- Move Preparation
- Physical Relocation
- Project Closeout
Needs Assessment
Identification of all suppliers on project including the roles and responsibilities of each supplier. Identification of long lead times, critical deliverables and key dates for each supplier such as furniture, IT cabling. Inventory all furniture and equipment to be relocated. Collection of all project schedules and floor plans and development of a contact list for departmental interviews.
Team Development
Roles and responsibilities are established for all team members, each with clearly defined tasks. Change control processes are established and team communication plans are developed including identifying move coordinators in each department.
Technology Coordination
Work with the client’s IT / MIS department to identify server, network and AV requirements. Identify WAN, DS3 service providers and installation timelines. Identify technology critical cut over dates and mirror server on destination side of the move.
Integrate various task sub-schedules into a master relocation schedule. This includes sub-schedules such as construction schedule, IT / MIS implementation schedule, furniture delivery and installation schedule, equipment installation and delivery. Establish move dates and milestones.
Employee & External Communications
The relocation must be marketed and promoted to staff as the fun effort it really can be if managed properly. P2M may assist with “Move Newsletter” articles, Executive “briefings,” Help Desk and internal communications to staff.
Move Preparation
Creating a detailed communications plan that provides staff the training and orientation they need. This could involve a move coordination program to help prepare employees for the move, training and orienting move coordinators, providing checklists and instructions, providing tags and oversight of the tagging process of furniture and equipment for the move and development of an employee relocation database. Occupancy planing and move logistics are reviewed and approved. Development of origination site and destination site move plans are developed. P2M will also develop the RFP for the commercial mover and rigger if required.
Physical Relocation
On-site relocation management supervision to manage the relocation from the origination site to the destination site.
Project Closeout
P2M can provide a “Help Desk” process and a punch list for move related questions and issues